Most businesses understand the benefits of using cloud technology, which is why more than 90% of them use it. However, many businesses haven’t finished moving all their operations to the cloud yet.

The journey to full cloud adoption comes with some big challenges. This blog post explores some common challenges and offers advice on how to avoid them.

  1. Lack of a cloud migration strategy

    Businesses are excited about the flexibility, scalability, and cost savings that come with the cloud. However, to make the most of these benefits and avoid problems later on, you need a solid plan for migrating to the cloud.

    Your plan should answer questions like: How much money should you set aside for cloud resources? Which applications should be moved to the cloud and how? What are your top priorities, and which systems and applications can wait? Who will be in charge of each part of the migration, and what skills do they need?

    If you’re using Azure cloud in your migration, Microsoft offers a resource called the Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF) for Azure. This framework provides guidance on creating and implementing a cloud strategy. It includes documents and tools for each phase of cloud adoption and can be helpful for IT professionals, business leaders, and others involved in cloud decision-making.

    Even with the CAF, creating a comprehensive cloud strategy can be daunting if it’s not your area of expertise. A cloud consulting company that has expertise in planning and executing cloud migrations can provide assistance.

  2. Lack of skills

    Moving to the cloud means working with new technologies and processes. Many companies don’t have the internal expertise to execute a successful cloud migration.

    Cloud transformation involves more than just moving existing workloads to a cloud provider. If you need to bring in new team members or a technology partner, make sure they have the skills beyond the basics. For example, a firm with software development experience can help reorganize or rebuild your applications to take full advantage of cloud benefits.

  3. Getting stuck in hybrid mode

    Cloud transformation is complex and can take a long time. As a result, organizations often find themselves in a hybrid environment, where some systems and applications are on-premises while others are in the cloud.

    A hybrid environment isn’t necessarily a bad thing—it offers significant benefits. It allows your company to gradually transition to the cloud, taking advantage of cloud benefits before fully committing.

    However, spending too much time in a hybrid cloud environment can be a problem. Maintaining on-premises infrastructure is expensive, and there may be compatibility issues between legacy systems and new cloud technology. End users may also find it frustrating to work in multiple environments.

  4. Overspending

    One of the main benefits of migrating to the cloud is saving money. However, organizations without enough experience in the cloud can end up making costly decisions.

    For instance, some organizations make the mistake of paying for separate resources for each of their databases based on their expected peak performance. Even if a database isn’t used much, these businesses continue to pay for it to be in the cloud. A more cost-effective choice would be to group these databases together in an elastic pool. This allows them to share resources on a single server for a fixed price.

  5. Lack of Disaster Preparedness

    While you’re moving to the cloud to enjoy its benefits, it’s crucial to plan for disasters like security breaches and downtime. Ensure that the person leading your cloud transformation project is well-versed in cloud security, disaster recovery, and cloud backup.

  6. Underestimating the Importance of Training

    Employees may resist adopting new technologies and workflows. IT staff will need new skills, and other departments may worry about changes to their applications.

    Combat this issue with information and training. Ensure the entire team is well-informed about the upcoming changes and prepared to handle them. Communicate regularly about the project to avoid surprises.

    To help employees successfully manage their cloud-based environment during and after migration, provide them with up-to-date skills and knowledge. This is best achieved through formal training and certifications. For example, Microsoft offers a variety of training materials and certification paths.

  7. Choosing the Right Cloud Technology Partner

    As discussed, most organizations lack the skills necessary for cloud migration. Working with a cloud consulting company can provide expert assistance without the expense of hiring new employees. Not all cloud partners have the same level of experience or expertise, so it’s important to evaluate them based on certifications and designations. For example, Microsoft offers Solutions Partners designations and Advanced Specializations to businesses that have demonstrated their skills in specific areas.