Home Migration Of Helm Boots To Shopify Plus​
HelmBoots Portfolio Shopify

Ecommerce website for Shoe Manufacturer

Client is a Manufacturer of shoe products intended to offer handmade boots. The company’s products are made from locally sourced leather and materials and use handmade processes, enabling customers to use shoes as per their choices.

The client was looking to create a high quality experience for the site visitors, at the same time providing insight to users about the brand story, manufacturing process, quality checks for footwear manufactured. The store was to be easy to use for visitors as well as administrators to easily manage content on the website.

Helm Boots
User Experience Design & Backend Integration

The solution developed was integrated with client’s ERP, Shipping Partner, POS and marketing automation systems. The solution utilizes Cloud based infrastructure which offers virtually unlimited scalability and enterprise class security. The business and solution developed was positively reviewed by popular media websites including being showcased by Forbes, Rolling Stones, Wall Street Journal and other premier magazines, blogs. The site provides capability for users to place orders online, check order status, place return or replacement requests from their account, post review for purchases made through the website, etc. 

Helm Boots
Helm Boots
Conclusion & Feedback

The new store was launched with much success. The client was able to get the site live to Zero downtime and all the features, integrations working seamlessly.  The store continues to perform successfully, accept high volumes of visitors and sales generated.