Cloud computing has changed how we work and brought us into a new era of technology. Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform dominate the global cloud market.

In 2021, your company should consider moving to the cloud technology for several reasons, including increased savings, improved security, and reduced downtime. According to Right Scale’s Annual State of the Cloud Report for 2020, 72% of companies used a private, while 91% used a publicly accessible cloud.

You may wonder which cloud service provider is best for your company if you are new to the cloud or considering switching.

Azure vs. Google is the most important cloud battle in today’s world. The most difficult part of entering and growing in the cloud is choosing between Google and Azure.

Public cloud services are in high demand today, thanks to the increasing importance of Cloud Computing. The increasing demand for the public cloud opens up more opportunities and growth for cloud service providers. Cloud companies must reduce their prices and increase services to compete in the public cloud market.

Gartner Survey Report predicts that the market for public clouds will grow from $260 billion to $411 billion by 2020.

Google and Azure are multi-inhabitant cloud services based on the cloud computing model, where cloud service providers supply resources such as databases, applications, and storage via the Internet.

What is a Cloud?

The cloud is a term used to describe servers accessed via the Internet rather than servers stored and maintained locally. The cloud allows companies to access files and data from anywhere, run the software, and maintain servers.

Cloud vendors offer “as-a-service,” in which users pay a monthly or annual subscription fee to access their IT infrastructure and features on demand. Each model has a different structure, but the goal is to give your business the cloud servers it needs to flourish.

Cloud computing is the term used to describe a practice that uses a network hosted on the Internet of remote servers to store, process, and manage data instead of a local computer or server. The term “cloud” refers to the Internet in diagrams and network topologies.

In a cloud computing setting, users can access resources through the Internet, while the service providers who host them are responsible for their maintenance and management. These resources include software applications, data storage and computing power, and networking capabilities.

Cloud computing can be classified into three main categories based on the level of service offered: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) provides users access to virtualized computing resources, including servers, storage, and networking components. IaaS allows users to manage and configure their virtual machines and has complete control over their operating system.

Platform as a Service provides users with a platform that allows them to build and deploy software applications. PaaS users can access pre-configured computing resources such as servers, storage, and development tools.

Software as a Service provides access to software apps hosted by a service provider. SaaS applications are typically accessed through a mobile app or web browser. The service provider manages the software and ensures its availability.

Cloud computing has several advantages over traditional computer models. Depending on the demand, cloud resources can easily be scaled up and down. Users only have to pay for what they use rather than invest in expensive hardware or software upfront.

Cloud computing offers flexibility as users can access their resources anywhere they have an internet connection. It is possible to work together on projects and collaborate with remote teams, no matter their location.

Cloud computing also offers better security since service providers have more expertise and resources to dedicate to security. Cloud computing still poses security risks, so users should take the necessary steps to protect their systems and data.

Azure vs. Google Cloud: Establishment

Azure vs. Google Cloud: Establishment:

Microsoft Azure

Azure is an open-source cloud platform that provides many services, including data administration, server management, and computing. A wide range of services available can help you solve your most difficult challenges. It can be described as having unlimited potential and endless possibilities. It offers many advantages, including an integrated environment, hybrid capability, security, and more.

Microsoft Azure was originally called Azure and launched in 2010. Its goal was to offer a Cloud Computing platform suitable for business. Azure was renamed to ‘Microsoft Azure,’ though the term’ Azure is still widely used. Microsoft Azure has made great strides since its conception.

Microsoft Azure offers various services tailored specifically for Microsoft-centric businesses, making the transition to a cloud-based or hybrid-cloud environment easy for many companies.

Azure is not just limited to Windows services. Azure supports open-source technologies, languages, and platforms. Anyone can build and maintain any application.

Azure’s most well-known customers include:

  • McKesson Group
  • Asos
  • Center for Disease Control – US
  • National Health Service (NHS), UK
  • HSBC
  • Starbucks
  • Walgreens
  • 3M
  • HP
  • Mitsubishi Electric
  • Renault

GCP (Google Cloud Platform)

GCP offers the best cloud computing service on the Internet. It is highly scalable, reliable, and dependable. It is a cloud platform that allows users to compute data and restore it, which helps developers build, test and deploy applications. Remote access and rapid adoption of the latest features allow it to adapt quickly. It offers additional control and flexibility.

Google Cloud Platform is a set of Cloud Computing Services offered by Google. These services run on the same infrastructure Google uses for its products, such as the Search engine and YouTube.

Google Cloud Platform started its journey in 2011 and has established a strong presence in the cloud sector in less than 10 years. Google Cloud’s initial purpose was to enhance Google products like the Google Search engine and YouTube. Now, Google has also launched its enterprise services to allow anyone to use the Google Cloud Platform. This platform shares the same infrastructure with Google Search and YouTube.

Google Cloud Platform is now available to the public since 2010. It offers over 100 services in computing, networking, data analytics, and other areas. GCP includes Google Workspace and enterprise Android as well as Chrome OS.

GCP is smaller than Azure. It offers a comprehensive set of cloud-based services that can power and support virtually any application.

Some of the Google Cloud Platform clients include:

  • Toyota
  • Unilever
  • Nintendo
  • Spotify
  • The Home Depot
  • The target is to increase the number of people who can use this language.
  • Twitter
  • Paypal
  • The UPS

Azure and Google Cloud: Which One Do You Use?

Azure continues to gain more and more high-profile clients. Azure currently has over 80 percent of Fortune 500 companies among its clients. Customers include Johnson Controls, Polycom Fujifilm, and HP Honeywell Apple.

Google Cloud, on the contrary, uses the same infrastructure that powers Google Search, YouTube, and other Google products. As a result, many high-end businesses have placed their trust in Google Cloud. HSBC and PayPal are among the major clients of Google Cloud.

Cloud computing is a service that all these providers provide. It’s a necessity for any business. The only difference is the number of services.

Azure and GCP – Which is the Best Option for Your Business?

After all, is said and done, who will win the Microsoft Azure vs. Google Cloud war?


Azure is a comprehensive and easy-to-use cloud solution. Its easy integration with Microsoft services is the best thing about it. Azure is the best solution for a hybrid cloud. Azure is the cloud applications provider for over 95% of Fortune 500 clients.

Azure is great for Microsoft products. However, it’s a different story when you use non-Microsoft software. Azure is limited in its support for products that are not Microsoft.


GCP is easy to use and integrates with other Google products. It has a flexible pricing model. It is a leader when it comes to AI-powered cloud processing and has containerization that’s in-depth. As an open-source champion, Google offers GCP users various customization options.

Google, unlike its competitors, does not offer a wide range of cloud services. The number of languages that are compatible with GCP is also lower.

Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud

Microsoft Azure vs. Google Cloud:

Microsoft Azure Pros and Cons

Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing platform used by over 95% of Fortune 500 companies. Azure is used by over 95% of Fortune 500 firms and has the most extensive compliance offerings of any cloud provider. Azure offers over 200 cloud-based products that can help businesses solve any problem. There are products from categories like Computing, AI + Machine Learning, and DevOps. Azure’s seamless integration with Microsoft makes it a great choice for organizations that already use Microsoft.


Azure’s Security Center unifies security management, enabling advanced threat protection for hybrid cloud workloads. Azure also offers Azure Sentinel for intelligent security analyses, Azure Information Protection, and other services to support IoT, web applications, hybrid clouds, and cloud computing. Azure Elasticity automatically scales Azure resources to meet changing demand, saving organizations money and maintaining efficiency.


Azure’s customers are most unhappy with the customer service and unplanned outages. Support is minimal, as with all Microsoft products. Users must submit a support ticket via the Azure portal. Only subscription management and billing are included in the Azure subscription. Depending on the level selected, you can only get technical support if you buy an Azure Support Plan, which costs between $29 and $1,000. Tickets are not answered instantly. Azure also has experienced significant outages, such as the one that lasted 5 hours in September 2020. The downtime caused organizations in the US to lose access to their servers, halting some businesses.

Google Cloud Pros & Cons

Google is a leader in the cloud industry, despite being ranked last by the 2020 Magic Quadrant. Google had an increase of 47% year-over-year for the most recent quarter. Google Cloud has customers at companies like Spotify, Target, Twitter, and PayPal. It is no surprise that Google Cloud srvices is a major competitor to Azure. They cover over 200 countries and territories and are soon expanding to new regions like Paris, Milan, and Madrid. If your company already uses Google products like Google Workspace, they will naturally connect, making this the best option.


Google-grade security is built to meet compliance standards such as CSA STAR PCI DSS and ISO/IEC. Google Cloud offers a variety of security products and secure-by-design infrastructure to help you stay compliant and secure. Google Cloud data centers are designed to be environmentally friendly. They use half the energy as a standard data center and, where possible, 100% renewable energy. With big data technologies like MapReduce, Bigtable, and Dremel, your organization can handle large amounts of data easily and with analytics.


Google Cloud’s cons are that it lacks features and deployment is difficult. According to the Gartner Magic Quadrant report, Google Cloud ranks lowest among its competitors for vision and execution. There are minimal IoT services and fewer compute and file storage options. Google Cloud migration and deployment have also been a problem for many users. These cons do not eliminate Google Cloud, but you should make sure that the features available on other platforms can be found here.

Cloud Pricing Comparison

Cloud platforms are priced based on various factors, including the products and services you use, the time allocated, your capacity, and much more. Each platform offers free trials and tiers.

  • Azure provides a 12-month free trial and a $200 credit for the first 30 days. There are more than 25 free products available.
  • Google Cloud provides a free tier with over 20 products, up to a monthly limit. New customers also get $300 in free credit to try out more features.

Cloud Services Comparison: Azure Vs. Google

Cloud Service Providers offer a wide range of services that are high quality, with many capabilities. They also provide excellent performance, security, and support for their customers. Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform are the two leading cloud service providers.

Cloud services providers offer multiple products based on the needs of the users. Cloud services are most commonly used by –

  • Calculate
  • Stores
  • The Database
  • Networking and Content Delivery
  • Management Tools
  • Development Tools
  • The Security of Your Own Home

Compare the cloud services provided by Google and Azure.

Azure Vs. Google: Compute

The fundamental function of a computer is to compute. Cloud computing services are included. An effective cloud provider can scale thousands of nodes within minutes. EC2 offers core computing services for configuring VMs (Virtual Machines) using custom or preconfigured AMIs, while Azure offers a VHD. Google Compute Engine is a cloud computing service introduced by Google.

Azure Vs. Google: Storage

Cloud services are primarily concerned with data storage. Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform also offer storage services that are reliable and respectable.

Azure Vs. Google: Database

Databases provide services that are related to workloads. Azure supports both NoSQL databases and relational and big data.

Google Vs. Azure: Networking and Content Delivery

Each cloud service provider has different networks. Azure’s Virtual Network is Google’s Subnet, while Google’s Virtual Network is Azure’s Virtual Network.

Google Vs. Azure: Management and Monitoring

Both of the two top public cloud providers offer a variety of monitoring and management tools. These services provide support for performance, workloads, and infrastructure. They also give visibility into the health of applications.

Azure Vs. Google: Development Tools

Multiplatform applications and services are developed using development tools to diagnose, debug and deploy them.

Azure Vs. Google: Security

Microsoft Azure offers top-rated cloud services. Microsoft Azure and Fortinet provide optimized data, applications, and migration security.

FortiGate Next-Generation Firewall offers advanced security and critical firewalling for the Google Cloud Platform.

Key Tool Comparison of Azure and Google

All two platforms are committed to the advancement of AI and machine-learning technology. All are very strong in advanced technology. Here is a comparison between each platform regarding AI and IoT networking.

Azure Key Tools

Microsoft has fewer AI-enhanced products, but those they offer are tailored to specific tasks within your company. Cognitive Services are a set of API-supported tools which integrate with Microsoft business software and on-premises Microsoft products.

Functions are the only serverless platform. It’s an event-driven platform that helps you manage and orchestrate complex workloads. Microsoft’s IoT products, such as Edge, are focused on management and business analytics.


  • Machine Learning
  • Azure Bot Service
  • Cognitive Services


  • IoT Hub
  • IoT Edge
  • Stream Analytics
  • Time Series Insights


  • Functions

Google Key Tools

AI/ML is a powerful tool for the reigning champion in algorithms and SEO, particularly when creating enterprise solutions. Cloud-based enterprise features range from natural language translation and speech to ML app creation.

TensorFlow, their open-source library, is the key to this. GCP’s AI implementation is promising, even though their IoT and Serverless platforms are in beta.

Google has several tools available.


  • Cloud Machine Learning Engine
  • Dialogflow Enterprise Edition
  • Cloud Natural Language
  • Cloud Speech API
  • Cloud Translation API
  • Cloud Video Intelligence
  • Cloud Job Discovery (Private beta)


  • Cloud IoT Core Beta


  • Cloud Functions (Beta).

Difference Between Azure Cloud and Google Cloud

Azure and Google Cloud are the two most popular cloud platforms. These platforms offer various cloud services, including computing, networking, and storage. There are some important differences between them that you should know before deciding which to use. We’ll look closer at the differences between Azure Cloud and Google Cloud in this article.


Pricing models are among the biggest differences between Azure Cloud and Google Cloud. Azure is based on a pay-as-you-go model where customers only pay for resources they use. Businesses can scale up their requirements as they grow without incurring additional costs. Google Cloud uses the same pay-as-you-go model as Microsoft but has a twist. Customers can estimate costs using a calculator that is based on projected usage. Google Cloud offers discounts to customers who use resources over a longer period.

Virtual Machines

Azure and Google Cloud offer virtual machine services (VM), allowing businesses to create virtual machines and run them on their cloud infrastructure. There are differences between both. Azure has various VM types and sizes, making it easier for companies to choose the best VM. Azure also offers a feature known as Azure Site Recovery that allows businesses to replicate VMs and failover them between regions. Google Cloud offers a variety of VM types and sizes but also offers a feature known as Preemptible VMs. These are VMs that can be terminated at any time. These VMs cost less than standard VMs but are not recommended for production workloads.


Both Google Cloud and Azure offer storage services that allow businesses to access and store data in their cloud infrastructure. Azure provides various storage services, including Azure Files and Azure Disk Storage. Google Cloud also offers storage services such as Google Cloud Storage and Filestore. Google Cloud offers a unique storage service called Google Cloud Storage Nearline. This is designed to be used by businesses that need to store large volumes of data and access them infrequently. The service is cheaper than other storage services, but data access takes longer.


Both Google Cloud and Azure offer networking services that allow businesses to connect cloud infrastructure with on-premises infrastructure. Azure provides various networking services, including Azure Virtual Networks, Load Balancers, and Azure VPN Gateways. Google Cloud offers similar networking solutions, such as Google Cloud VPCs, Load Balancing, and Google Cloud VPN. Google Cloud offers another feature called Google Cloud Interconnect that allows businesses to connect to Google Cloud directly using a dedicated link.


Azure and Google Cloud offer analytics services allowing businesses to make sense of and analyze their data. Azure offers various analytics services, including Azure HDInsight and Azure Stream Analytics. Google Cloud also offers analytics services such as Google Cloud Dataproc and Google Cloud Dataflow. Google Cloud offers an exclusive service called Google Cloud Datalab. This web-based interactive tool allows you to explore, analyze, and visualize data.

AI Machine Learning

Google Cloud and Azure offer AI services that allow businesses to create intelligent models and applications. Azure offers AI and machine-learning services like Azure Machine Learning and Cognitive Services. Google Cloud also offers similar services.

Which Cloud Provider is Best for My Business?

All two platforms share on-demand pricing and a free tier. They also have great support and a focus on security. These platforms are all brought to you by reputable companies that embody tech innovation.


Azure is a comprehensive and easy-to-use cloud solution. Its easy integration with Microsoft services is the best thing about it. Azure is the best solution for a hybrid cloud. Azure is the cloud provider for over 95% of Fortune 500 clients.

Azure is great for Microsoft products. However, it’s a different story when you use non-Microsoft software. Azure is limited in its support for products that are not Microsoft.

Google Cloud

GCP is easy to integrate with other Google products and services. It also has a flexible pricing model. It is a leader when it comes to AI- and ML-powered cloud data processing and has containerization that’s in-depth. As an open-source champion, Google offers GCP users various customization options.

Google, unlike its competitors, does not offer a wide range of cloud services. The number of languages that are compatible with GCP is also lower.

There are important differences.

Azure will be a Good Match if:

  • Windows is the most popular platform and app for business.
  • You are looking for a hybrid option
  • You’re a developer

Google Cloud will be a Good Match if:

  • You are looking for a container-based, comprehensive model
  • You want to make your company more efficient and cost-effective.
  • Your website is designed to work within a hyper scale network environment
  • You can develop and deploy cloud software and apps
  • You are looking for green technology solutions


Cloud Services Comparison for Azure and Google 2018 We have described the comparison in terms of services provided by these public cloud providers, market share, and pricing. When choosing the best cloud provider, the actual research will depend on your needs and the provider’s services. When selecting the best cloud service providers, it is important to do a thorough analysis.

From this battle between Google and Azure, we can conclude that you will be satisfied with any cloud service. All cloud service providers, due to competition, are offering reduced prices and extended services to lure customers. Take advantage of the current moment if you’re an enterprise or individual searching for a cloud provider.

The number of features, the reach, and the length of time a product has been on the market are factors. This does not necessarily mean your chosen product is better for your business. This comparison is meant to assist business owners in making informed decisions. Azure may be a better option if your business relies on Microsoft products. Google Cloud Platform is a good option for businesses that require less reach but more innovation.

Google Cloud and Azure are the two main cloud providers. Your specific needs will determine which cloud provider you choose. You’re looking for a comprehensive cloud platform. Google Cloud is the best option if you are more interested in artificial intelligence and machine learning. Azure is the cloud platform to choose from if you want a simple and easy-to-use platform.